Thursday, April 11, 2013

Big vision for Ms. Green Pea

When I close my eyes, I have a vision. I visualize an empire. A brand. My brand. Ms. Green Pea. I even visualize what Ms. Green Pea looks like. A spunky woman figure representing a platter of knowledge about weight loss, healthy living, & improvements in our country that we need to act on. Ms. Green Pea will host a website with recipes, "how to's", success stories to inspirational blog posts, to a line of organic body butter effused with different aromas that will help bring elasticity back to our imperfectly perfect bodies, an entire line of local homemade organic granola (yum) that will give back to the our community with each purchase by planting a tree (creating more clean oxygen) using recycled mason jars, charity work with elementary schools nation wide (big vision) on developing their own gardens & a program that teaches children & families about planting, to my latest passion :)) of working with local legislatures to forward to state senators (my pal & Facebook friend Amy Klobuchar) to push out to federal government officials (big vision) get major insurance companies to cover weight loss & nutrition training as preventive care similar to the "gym credit," a health spa that offers all health services from a juice bar, to cooking seminars, to classes Zumba, yoga, massage, chiropractic services, weight loss counseling & nutrition training.... Not to mention GS Patrol to pamper our "Pea's." (#GSHairByCC)... Is that a mind full or what? I want to create meaningful & fulfilling jobs, thousands of them. Just one of any of these visions could change a lot of people's lives. This empire is built from a weight loss journey that turned into a passion for sharing knowledge, following what comes natural, embracing beauty & helping to accept every aspect of "the weight loss journey." A place for power. A place for courage. A place for inspiration. A place to grow.

.... :) I better get started.

~ ms green pea xo

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms. Green Pea, you're an inspiration! I feel right on board with you. Go get 'em green pea!! Hope to get you a cute illustration soon too. xo
